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Restaurant Marketing for Naming a Food Truck

Restaurant Marketing for Naming a Food Truck
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Some people believe the name of a food truck can be the difference between failure and success. Naming a food truck is among the critical restaurant marketing ideas. Selecting a name can be a tedious and lengthy process. The options for a mobile food business can be overwhelming. The following lists of dos and don’ts help narrow the field and make a choice a bit easier.

The Dos

  • Make the name descriptive. It immediately informs potential customers of the menu items on the truck. Studies show businesses that have names identifying their services and products are more successful than those with non-descriptive names.
  • A general description that allows expanding the menu in the future is a good restaurant marketing idea.
  • Tell people the name you have chosen. Connect with them in a week and ask if they recall the name. If only a few people remember, consider a more memorable alternative that will grab people’s attention.  
  • A current trend is to have a truck name with a quirky misspelling and a little crazy. That trend can confuse potential customers. Names written and spoken in the same way are easy for people to Google when they hear them.
  • Make a list of words that describe the food truck business. Mix them into different combinations and say them aloud to see how they sound.
  • Consider how the name looks on restaurant marketing venues, such as websites, social media, business cards, and advertisements. Play around with a variety of appearances by typing them or writing them on a piece of paper. 
  • Choose a name easy to remember, pronounce, and understand.
  • The name should distinguish your truck from other street vendors.
  • Consider how the public might shorten the business name. Some people’s initials spell an embarrassing word. The abbreviation of a business can do the same.
  • Get a reaction to the name from close family members and friends.
  • Keep the restaurant marketing ideas for a while to determine how they feel and sound as time passes.
  • Have alternatives in mind in case research reveals the name you have chosen is not available.

The Don’ts

  • Do not name the truck too soon. You may be tempted to make a quick decision, but it is of more importance to take your time and get it right.
  • Do not choose a name that is confusing or too long.
  • Do not include obscenities or profanity in the name.
  • In the naming stage, visit It is the site of the federal patent and trademark office. Search for potential names. Do not select a name you may have to change and avoid being sued for using a registered trademark phrase or word.


If the above tips are not helpful, a free Food Truck Name Generator can offer suggestions. Click on the link. Whatever you decide needs to represent the food truck concept. It should be memorable and catchy.